Access a User’s Dapper Account

To gain user account information, your dapp will need to do a one time request for approval by calling the window.ethereum.enable function that the provider supplies.

If a user agrees to allow an app access to their wallet info, the call will return an array of accounts similar to eth_accounts; the enable function is actually just a permission wrapper around eth_accounts.

Future calls to window.ethereum.enable will not re-request permission, it will just return user accounts as expected.

Here’s an example:

async function init() {
  if (typeof window.ethereum === 'undefined') {
    // Handle case where user hasn't installed Dapper.

  try {
    // If a user is logged in to Dapper and has previously approved the dapp,
    // `ethereum.enable` will return the result of `eth_accounts`.
    const accounts = await window.ethereum.enable();
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle error. If the user rejects the request for access, then
    // `ethereum.enable` will throw an error.

After gaining the user’s permission to access account data, you’ll be able to structure and make RPC calls that require their wallet address as normal ( e.g. personal_sign, eth_sendTransaction).

Last Updated: 6/11/2019, 8:28:38 PM